Solution Against child pornography
INTERNEXA S.A. has mechanisms in place to prevent and counteract exploitation, pornography and sexual tourism with children and adolescents (Laws 679 of 2001 and 1336 of 2009, and Decrees 1524 of 2002 and 67 of 2003).

Internexa has tools to perform page filtering
"Information and reporting points are present for all persons to prevent, block, combat and report the exploitation, hosting, use, advertising, distribution of images, texts, documents, audiovisual files, improper use of global information networks or the creation of telematic links of any kind related to pornographic material or alluding to sexual activities of minors.
Internexa has tools to filter sites with child pornographic content.
One of them is the DNS server platform, which allows the filtering of complete URLs reported to the Mintic.
We have also installed a platform that performs filtering of child pornography content by analyzing the Internet traffic of our customers. This filtering is done according to lists that are constantly updated by Mintic.
Therefore, if you find any content or activity within the network considered as child pornography, you can report it to the national toll free line 01 8000 912667 or to the Web site:"
Other reporting sites include:
Dirección Central de Policía Judicial – DIJIN (Central Judicial Police Directorate - DIJIN)
Grupo Investigativo Delitos Informáticos (Computer Crimes Investigation Group)
Carrera 77A # 45-61 Barrio Modelia Telephones: PBX: 426 6900 Ext. 6301-6302 Direct: 4266300 e-mail:
- Ministerio de Tecnologías de la información y las Comunicaciones: (Ministry of Information Technology and Communication): Telephone: 01800 09 12667 Website:
- Fiscalía General de la Nación: (Office of the Attorney General of the Nation): Telephone: 01800 09 12280 Website: e-mail:
- Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar: (Colombian Institute of Family Welfare): Telephone numbers Bogotá: 01-8000-91-8080 - 6605520 - 6605530 - 6605540 Website: