Caso destacado

caso de éxito

Sed egestas faucibus tellus, eu interdum neque eleifend quis. Fusce rutrum interdum sem, id auctor velit mattis vitae. In imperdiet diam sed diam sollicitudin, in vehicula enim tempus. Sed pellentesque eget libero at vehicula. Duis sollicitudin elementum cursus. Mauris et turpis fringilla, lacinia nisl sit amet, rhoncus lorem. Mauris commodo tortor ut purus efficitur eleifend.


Our Success stories

Optimization of the technological infrastructure through the cloud in a health sector company.

Optimization of the technological infrastructure through the cloud in a health sector company.

A company dedicated to the provision of health services in Peru and Colombia with a network of clinics and wellness centers that offers comprehensive health care at every stage of the life of its members and patients, sought to optimize its ...

Improving connectivity and business continuity

Improving connectivity and business continuity

Commercial and industrial company of the Colombian State with more than 50 years of experience, in charge of managing and converting Colombians' severance payments and savings into their own homes, guarantees the flow of information and improves ...

Improving the speed of access to the public cloud

Improving the speed of access to the public cloud

Multinational cement and concrete company with a presence in sixteen countries and territories, leverages a direct connection approach to the public cloud through InterNexa's Express Cloud and improves access to its product marketing platform by ...